

Certifications and Memberships

It is certified 'Platinum' by Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) and is a member of SEDEX. 'Platinum' is the highest standard of certification that can be awarded to a facility that produces apparel. It is also categorized as 'Low Risk' with exceptional scores over 90% for compliance to C-TPAT (Customs Trade Practices Against Terrorism) requirements. In addition, it is periodically audited by third-party agencies and those appointed by clients.

Click here to view our WRAP certificate.

Click here to view our C-TPAT certificate.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Twenty20

In addition to providing permanent employment and thereby regular income to its seven thousand employees, it is actively involved in social welfare activities in the Kizhakkambalam county that it is located in. Twenty20 is a movement designed and powered by the company wherein it has joined hands with residents and community leaders to work towards realizing the dream of becoming the No. 1 County in the country in terms of standard of living of its residents by working on aspects like water availability, food security, agricultural self-dependence, electrification of rural households and fight against corruption. The company has earmarked a specific amount of money for this purpose. Identity cards issued as per financial status ensures that only the needy/deserved receive its benefits.

Green initiatives

When we take care of the environment, the environment will take care of us. At Kitex, this is implemented right from the design stages. The choice of technology and machinery ensure water and electricity savings. Our Cold Pad Batch technology for dyeing and advanced bleaching machinery utilize only a third of the water required by other machines and uses only half of the electricity consumed by conventional machines.

Effluent treatment is not done using chemicals. It is done biologically, using a biological treatment plant. Effluents are treated to international standards before they are discharged from the plant. Water so discharged, is used for agricultural purposes, for producing vegetables for internal consumption. The facility, situated at a location that gets abundant rain, does Rain water harvesting. This helps save precious natural water which is used for manufacturing purposes.

Biological wastes produced at the facility are utilized and converted to Bio-Gas. This gas is then used for cooking.